Teachers and students from all HELPE partner universities will meet at the vibrant city of Barcelona for this teaching-and-training event. The participants will share knowledge and experience on HL to update and foster the competencies in this field. Students will share the developed video materials and discuss them implementing the Participatory and Empowering Video Analysis- model. Communication skills needed for therapist to establish effective interaction with clients with limited health literacy, will be extensively trained.
We expect that this event will not only empower the professional expertise and contribute to improving the quality of the project intellectual outputs, but will also promote intercultural learning and inspire new ideas.
Venue: Blanquerna School of Health Science, Ramon Llull University
General services of Blanquerna-URL
Passeig de Sant Gervasi, 47
08022 Barcelona
School of Health Sciences, Padilla Building
Carrer Padilla, 326-332
08025 Barcelona